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Gardening Resources


Here are a few resources as our spring gets started, last updated 2/22/23.

Books on PNW Gardening

Maritime Northwest Garden Guide by Tilth Alliance

A wonderful and well-respected resource for garden planning in the maritime northwest where we live.

Growing Vegetables West of the Cascades by Steve Solomon and Marina McShane

This is considered by some to be the gardening bible of our region. Chapters on composting, pest control, seeds and starts, and tips on growing a variety of vegetables.

Vegetable Gardening in the Pacific Northwest by Lorene Edwards Forkner

A regional guide with month by month gardening. The book walks through the gardening year, with a section covering specific crops.

Web Resources We sent this out in our welcome email, and thought this was a good quick read about one person's experience taking on a community garden plot: Many of our local nurseries and garden stores have resources posted to their websites. Our garden is an organic garden and not all of these tips may apply but many will. Here's one from Swansons Nursery in Crown Hill: The Tilth Alliance in Washington has several articles on a variety of things gardening:

Shoreline's Free Seeds & Starts Library Looking for starts? Have some extra seeds? Here is an awesome way to gather and plant or pass along those little extra plants and seeds:

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